Friday, May 22, 2009

Rent-A-Cop turns into Nat Turner!

Ok, today is friday is which MY payday,AND my day off... (fucking YAY!) well at least i thought it would be worthing jumping up and down for.

My day started by calling dispatch to make sure that my check will be delivered to my site in Coney Island, rather than traveling two hours to Westchester ave. After that was done, i'm talking to a few friends and chillin, and i head down to coney island in record time to pick up my check and be happy!

That was until i was informed that my check wasn't at that site as requested...(KILL KILL KILL!!!!) So almost in neck breaking speed i call dispatch and informed that my check is not where i asked and i was told that my check is in the bronx office. (What the fuck!!!!!)

So after hopping on the B, then Q then 4 and finally the 6 express train, i make it up there tired and pissed, i get my paycheck also i need to get another pair of pants while waiting for my pants i took the liberty of opening my paycheck and lo and behold

$138.86 after taxes!!!!!!!!

Who gets paid that much and last till the next paycheck!?

Mind you i cant complain as a rule with the security company, that if i complain and the supervisor were to hear me, i would be terminated (I'm complaing now!)

Now i feel like a slave standing on my feet for several hours ( Eight hours, to be exact) and get paid but that much! I should turn into Nat Turner and scalp these people for this shit, its ridiculous!

-End Rant/blog

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