Friday, May 29, 2009

Rent-A-Cop is confused!

Ok, me and a co-worker was talking about my excessive need to take on more supervior shifts, even though...

A. I'll still be getting $7.40 for overtime
B. I'll be getting experience and it would look good

Now HIS arguement is why am i putting my all into a job that has NO benefits and pays close to minimum wage - i will agree to an extent- but its the small things that get me noticed

For example,

I was leaving a 9-8 shift, and i was called 30 later asking to do a 8-3 shift ( i didn't have to work till 4pm) i said yes, because one of the shifts would consider 8 hours overtime!

And he was ranting because i'm 20 years old, no kids, living with mom, and i'm doing all this overtime and happy to do it.


Mind you, its not like i call dispatch and ask them to give me a shift on my day off! (i'll be damned!)

This is my second job, which i'm trying to keep more than two months, i dont get how people complain about doing your job with a smile on your face.

Now my question is,

What do you do about this?

-End rant

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rent-A-Cop turns into Nat Turner!

Ok, today is friday is which MY payday,AND my day off... (fucking YAY!) well at least i thought it would be worthing jumping up and down for.

My day started by calling dispatch to make sure that my check will be delivered to my site in Coney Island, rather than traveling two hours to Westchester ave. After that was done, i'm talking to a few friends and chillin, and i head down to coney island in record time to pick up my check and be happy!

That was until i was informed that my check wasn't at that site as requested...(KILL KILL KILL!!!!) So almost in neck breaking speed i call dispatch and informed that my check is not where i asked and i was told that my check is in the bronx office. (What the fuck!!!!!)

So after hopping on the B, then Q then 4 and finally the 6 express train, i make it up there tired and pissed, i get my paycheck also i need to get another pair of pants while waiting for my pants i took the liberty of opening my paycheck and lo and behold

$138.86 after taxes!!!!!!!!

Who gets paid that much and last till the next paycheck!?

Mind you i cant complain as a rule with the security company, that if i complain and the supervisor were to hear me, i would be terminated (I'm complaing now!)

Now i feel like a slave standing on my feet for several hours ( Eight hours, to be exact) and get paid but that much! I should turn into Nat Turner and scalp these people for this shit, its ridiculous!

-End Rant/blog

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rent-A-Cop is tired and PISSED

Ok so its been practically a good week...

Ok i'm lying my ass off...I'm TIRED! When i started my first day after training, it was at Key Food ( To those who dont know what key food is its a supermarket) My only qualm is standing all damn day for 8 hours putting shopping carts back and stocking the shopping baskets, then after 8 hours close down the store and go home.

Then the next site is a residential building in Coney Island, which i have no problem going there and doing my job. Why? People are so nice! (for once)

Example: This female tenant noticed i was bored, and gave me a pack of trident! (kept me up, while on my shift) and another lady informed of a opening for court officers (which i may look into) and went out of her way to buy me the newspaper "THE CHIEF" for me.

But while at coney island on sunday one of the supervisors asked me if i could do a double, mind you i dont like being on my feet anymore than i have to but he mentioned i could be a supervisor on that second shift which i took happily ( i never supervised anyone in my life, but i need start somewhere)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rent- A- Cop rises!!!!!

Recently i've been hired as a security guard. (great right?)

So now, i need to start shifting my prioties, and PLAN (did i even spell that right?)

Since i was one of few to get the morning shift, okay let me be honest...i was avoiding the morning shift because i HATE waking up and the first thing i need to do is shower, get my uniform ready and run out the door with no proper breakfast

(my shift at one site starts at 9, the other site (lets call it "Site B") Starts at 8.)

Oh, did i forgot to mention that Site A, is in sunset park, and Site B is in CONEY ISLAND! and i live in East New York

So to those who are following that are from New York, ALREADY KNOW, that i will be waking up in the crack of dawn, and i'm not a morning person already!!!

So yea, i'm about to head home, and hang up my uniform and get something to eat and sleep.

Contact info, you can find me on twitter & facebook

Till next time,
keep me in mind and pray for me these next few days.


Friday, May 1, 2009


Ok i know i was supposed to keep this damn thing up and running, -forgive me-

But new post will be coming up very soon.

-Charles Crawford